2017, FHD, Color, 30min


本作は、原発誘致に失敗した地域で製作された、UFOと原発を置き換えて作られたフィクションドキュメンタリー映画。UFOが無数に飛び交う村「スズ」。過疎化した地域で様々な巨額公共事業や芸術祭が誘致されるなか、この村では世界初の「超巨大UFO」の誘致を試みる。 本当にUFOは必要なのか?村は活性されるのか?

The Village's Bid for UFO

The movie, [The Village’s Bid for UFO], is a fictional documentary that was made by replacing public works like nuclear power plants with UFOs. Formerly, the city of Suzu in Ishikawa Prefecture failed in their bid to build a nuclear power plant, and the village was divided in two. Even now, it is still considered a taboo to speak publicly about it.Director Takuro Kotaka visited Suzu and met the only man who was still speaking against nuclear power. He decided to produce this film as a sci-fi fiction in order to tell the story about this man who was about to be blotted out.The characters in the film are all people he met in Suzu: the housewives, the anti-nuclear man, the city office staff, the tourists from overseas, and others.

The lines in the film were all ad-libs and nothing was scripted. The interviewees were asked to replace different subjects with UFOs; the local housewives replaced shooting stars, the city office staff replaced the Olympics, and the anti-nuclear man replaced nuclear power with UFOs.


2017「第16回 ジョグジャ国際ドキュメンタリー映画祭 FFD」オープニングフィルム選出

2021「Re:Karya, International Video Fest 2022」テレコム工科大学、中部ジャワ、インドネシア
2019「Kerjasama 59 Screening Program」SKALE SPACE、インドネシア・スラバヤ
2019「沈黙の騒音/Noise of Silence : Japanese Art Now」 Golden Thread Gallery、北アイルランド・ベルファスト
2019「アーツさいたま 2019」プラザノース、埼玉
2018「Against Apathy to Politics, Recent Japanese Activist-Artist Films」documentary club、タイ・バンコク
2018「国際交流基金バンコク主催 Art Practice in Local Politics」アジアンカルチャーステーション、タイ・チェンマイ
2017「第16回 ジョグジャ国際ドキュメンタリー映画祭 FFD」タマンブダヤ映画劇場、インドネシア・ジョグジャ