2024, 4K, Color, 28min, 3面プロジェクション



監督:小鷹拓郎 撮影:小鷹拓郎、小澤貴弘 編集:小鷹拓郎 音楽:大町舞台囃子(五日町保存会)英語字幕:Jeff Moynihan 機材協力:ARTISTS’ GUILD 出演:左右田慎也、栗林勇太、スギサキハルナ、傳刀章雄、伊藤洋平、小倉健吾、大町市民 特別協力:大町市役所、大町市猟友会、大町山岳博物館、千年の森自然学校、佐藤壮生、百瀬肇、ニコニコ山脈、木崎湖POW WOWキャンプ場、ASA3000、大町の未来を考える会、松糸道路と大町を考える会 会場制作:佐藤壮生、今井伸悟、岩瀬圭司、本間大悟、佐藤拓実、小野寺勇一郎、小鷹友美、小鷹野太郎、小鷹花 主催:北アルプス国際芸術祭2024

2024, 4K, Color, 28min, 3-screen projection

Follow the Daidarabotchi

A mockumentary about covering the legendary giant “Daidarabotchi,” this film is based on a folk tale from the three lakes of Nishina (Lake Aoki, Lake Nakatsuna, and Lake Kisaki) in Omachi City, Nagano Prefecture. The people of Omachi City appear in the film.
The film centers on the story of the giant Daidarabotchi, who was worshipped by local people as a god of both prosperity and decline. The film depicts the ideal state of the region and social change from the viewpoints of its citizens, government officials, and experts in various fields, weaving reality and fiction together in a new form of folk tale. What does the giant who once drew enormous wealth to the Northern Alps intend to bring to the next generation?

Director: Takuro Kotaka Cinematography: Takuro Kotaka, Takahiro Ozawa Editing: Takuro Kotaka Music: Omachi Butai Hayashi (Itsukaichi Preservation Society) English Subtitles: Jeff Moynihan Equipment Support: ARTISTS’ GUILD Cast:Shinya Souda, Yuta Kuribayashi, Haruna Sugisaki, Akio Dendo, Yohei Ito, Kengo Ogura and Citizens of Omachi Special Thanks: Omachi City Hall, Omachi Hunting Association, Omachi Mountain Museum,Sennen no Mori Nature School, Sosei Sato, Hajime Momose, Niko-Niko Sanmyaku, Kizaki Lake POW WOW Campground, ASA3000, Omachi’s Future Discussion Group, Matsuito Road and Omachi Discussion Group Venue Production:Sosei Sato, Shingo Imai, Keiji Iwase, Daigo Honma, Takumi Sato,Tomomi Kotaka, Notaro Kotaka, Hana Kotaka Organized by:Northern Alps International Art Festival 2024