2016, FHD, Color, 30min
Sound Wars from The Hole|洞穴聲戰
サウンドアートをやったことがないのに香港のサウンドアートシーンに送り込まれてしまった小鷹と、酔っ払って高層ビルの屋根から転落したSing。これまで砂漠で車が横転、崖から転落して複雑骨折、作品が原因で裁判沙汰になったりと数々のアクシデントに見舞われながら生き延びてきた不運な二人がタッグを組み、2014年に香港全土を巻き込んだ雨傘運動の中心地「旺角(モンコック)」に繰り出してゆく。2016年に香港で結成された路上サウンドパフォーマンスユニット「sound potato」の記録。最低なサウンドと愛をあなたへ。
Sound Wars from The Hole
sound potato is formed by Japanese artist Takuro Kotaka and Hong Kong artist Jantzen Tse Chun-sing. It is the first time for Kotaka to create artworks with sound. And since Sing recently had a “drunken accident” in which he fell down from a rooftop, they call themselves “Accident Boys”, due to the many more accidents they had encountered, such as a car crash in the desert, and a serious fracture caused by falling over the cliffs. The inspiration of the artwork is precisely from these incidents, accidents, and lawsuits, which are the marks of living with the ups and downs of fate. In this exhibition, sound potato will present to the audience the worst sound and the worst love from one of the occupied spots during the Umbrella Movement – Mong Kok.